
How to learn English faster with 7 tips

(1) Listen to a lot of English (music, podcasts, films, audiobooks)

For your immersion in English without leaving home or anywhere else, nothing better than allowing yourself to access this language through listening whenever possible. Take the opportunity to listen to subjects of your interest in English through: music, podcasts, films, audiobooks and other resources available to you. During the time that your ears and your brain are accessing the sounds of English, you can learn more than you can imagine.

(2) Keep your focus

Your determination and discipline in learning this new language should be your biggest focus. Establish with yourself the study schedules that you can really dedicate yourself to and Keep going! It will be of great value to commit to someone to further strengthen your commitment to your objective. To further stimulate your growth, find partners who are in the same goal of learning the language or a tutor to collaborate with your progress.

(3) Find your best way of Learning

The faster you identify which is the most effective way for you to absorb and understand the contents of the English language, the better your development and fluency will be.

(4) Change your phone and social media settings to ENGLISH

Whatever you can do to be exposed to English, the better you will achieve good results. We usually spend many hours of the day looking at our phones, so taking advantage of these moments to immerse yourself in the language is an easy way to optimize your time and guarantee your practice every day.

(5) Keep your personal goal in mind and go for it!

How relevant will learning English be to your life and career? As a nurse studying a second language, it will be important for you to focus on “why” you want to be fluent in English. The clearer and more relevant your reason for learning this language is for yourself, the more successful you will be on this journey.

(6) Don't be afraid to make mistakes!

During the process of learning a new language, failures are common. You don't have to worry if some pronunciation, for example, doesn't come out right away. Better is the correction by trying to hit it than self-blocking waiting for the perfect pronunciation. Try speaking, make mistakes and keep practicing, you will learn much faster and soon you will become fluent in English.

(7) Practice every day!

Nothing better than a study plan that you can really execute. With that in mind, daily practice can help you stay motivated, it will save you time by keeping issues fresh in your mind and so the more contact you have the less time you need to spend on revisions. Practice reading, listening, speaking and writing, if it is not possible to do all fours that day, it is better to focus on speaking and listening.